Monday, December 31, 2007


My roommate arrived today! She is very friendly and nice. She talks quite a bit, which is convenient, since I definitely cannot hold up my end of the conversation in Chinese! She speaks very quickly, and I only understand about 70 percent of what she says, but she is very patient and willing to slow down and explain, even resorting to charades!

A note about Chinese girls: I went out to dinner with my roommate and a bunch of other students and their Chinese roommates. When we got to the restaurant, the three Chinese girls did not eat. When I asked them why, they said that they were too fat, so they should not eat dinner. When I and another girl protested that they were not at all fat (they weren’t!) they still refused to accept any food. They said that fat people are not good looking. When I said that some skinny people are just as unattractive, they paused for a moment and then said, “That’s not true. Skinny is always better.”

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